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2023 Winter Meeting - KC
Kansas City Marriott Downtown
200 West 12th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64105

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Monday, November 06, 2023, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Category: 2023 SWAC Winter Meeting - KC


 SWAC – Lunch and Learn – Kansas City 

10:00 AM


SWAC Opening Remarks - Bryant Scogin


10:15 AM


Regional Update - Chad Ricks, Peggy Lawrence

Christie Newhouse, Ken Cooper, Shirley Arnold, Trina Stewart


Hot Topics:  241a Update, Application submissions

2530 at pre-app vs firm submissions,

Insurance deductibles, Lender Topics

11:45 AM


12:00 PM

 HQ Update - Willie Fobbs, Peggy Lawrence

12:30 PM


 Lunch – Market Presentation

Patty Davis, CBRE and Mary Ann Barnett, BBG


1:30 PM


Environmental Udpate - Chad Bedwell, Beth Held,

Amber Tilley

1:50 PM



Markets Update - Sam Young

Markets/Appraisals - Mike Buis

Lender Perspective - Tim Nunan, Brian Robertson

2:50 PM


3:00 PM

 SWAC / HUD Social

4:00 AM

 Closing Remarks



The one day meeting with HUD will be held at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown. Session will begin at 10:00 AM and conclude at 4:00 PM. Detailed agenda to follow.

 Thank you to our sponsors for making this event possible.